Learning Services

girl in blue with gameListen to the MUSTN’TS, child.
Listen to the DON’TS
Listen to the SHOULDN’TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.

– Shel Silverstein

girls at whiteboard

If a child can’t learn the way we teach,
maybe we should teach the way they learn.
– Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Estrada

All aspects of my teaching incorporate thinking strategies so that children can approach learning in a systematic way and become confident learners.  Developing relationships with parents and working as a team to help each child succeed is an important part of my teaching and tutoring.

Getting Ready for Kindergarten Math with Kim Lee

Math Learning through:
∙Math Games
∙Math Literature Connections
∙Hands-on Lessons and Activities tied to HCPSS Kindergarten curriculum
∙Follow-up Work
∙Snacks with Math!
∙Math FUN!

Summer Math Camps

These Math Camps are designed for small groups of children in K through 9th grade. Math Camps give children an opportunity to maintain their math skills during the summer. We do a variety of fun hands- on math learning activities each week. Please see the information sheet and registration form for more details.

Math Camps will be in person in Summer 2023.

Math Camp Info – Summer 2024
Registration Form – Summer 2024
Register Online

Pre-School Camps

girl and boy with squares

Spring Pre-School Camps
These camps for pre-schoolers ages 3-5 provide an opportunity for fun and before HCPSS ends for the summer.

Preschool Camp Info – Summer 2024
Registration Form – Summer 2024
Register Online

Math Club at Mt. Hebron Nursery School
For more information, please visit Mt. Hebron Nursery School and scroll down to Discovery Clubs.  Class is also open to children who are not students at MHNS.
Registration is through Mt. Hebron Nursery School, scroll down to MHNS Discovery Clubs.

Getting Ready for Kindergarten Math Club will provide math instruction in a fun way for preschoolers. Included will be math learning centers and games; math literature connections, hands-on lessons and activities tied to Howard County/Common Core Kindergarten Curriculum.

Math Tutoring

girl in red with game

Individual tutoring in my home or on Zoom for children ages 5-14. Please contact me. I am available to tutor children during the day at private schools and work with home schoolers.games

Thinking Strategies Camp

girl in striped sweater with gameThinking Camps are designed for small groups of children in grades pre-school through fifth grade. Thinking Camps give children an opportunity to learn thinking strategies during the summer. We do a variety of fun hands-on science, math, and language arts activities while learning thinking strategies. By learning cognitive building blocks and tools (thinking strategies), your child will learn how to think in an efficient way. For example, your children will learn how to approach a task in an organized way, use selective attention Chartand focus on important information, use self-regulation, and have a feeling of
competence. Please see information sheet and registration form for more details.

Thinking Strategies Tutoring

boy with pointerIndividual tutoring for children ages 5-14. This type of tutoring is great for all children, but especially helpful with children who have ADD or ADHD and need to learn thinking strategies to help them be independent and successful learners.
Please contact me.

Parent Resources

teaching tools2Please contact me if you’d like me to speak to you or your group about children and learning.  I am available to work with small groups of preschoolers or home school children on a variety of subjects. Please contact me.